The Potting Shed
And we are into Summer...
Plants are responding well to the (finally) warmer weather and there is riot of late Spring and early Summer colour in the garden. A perfect opportunity to relax with a glass of something nice and a copy of the new Worplesdon Garden Club June Newsletter
Jobs to Do in the Garden this Month
The Start of Summer...
Plant out all remaining annuals and tender perennials, but remember to water well until new roots are established
It's always better to apply lots of water occasionally, rather than little and often
Tall annuals and herbaceous perennials may need staking, tying, or a plant support to prevent wind or rain damage
Do the 'Chelsea Chop' on late flowering perennials by cutting stems back by a third to a half
Keep bare earth surrounding growing plants clear of weeds by regular hand-weeding or by using a sharp hoe
Prune early flowering shrubs in RHS Pruning Group 2 such as Philadelphus, Deutzia and Weigela immediately after flowering. Aim to cut up to 20 percent of stems back to near the base.
Tie in new growth on climbing and rambling roses to near horizontal as possible to promote the formation of flowering side-shoots
Deadhead most annuals and herbaceous perennials as often as you can to prolong flowering
Plant out sweetcorn in blocks rather than rows to help with wind pollination of the cobs
Continue to succession sow salad crops of lettuce and radishes, as well as a second sowing of peas and mangetout
The formation of flowers on First Early potatoes are usually a sign that the first, most delicious new potatoes are waiting to be harvested, but dig up the plants up carefully and replant, as you will be able to get a second harvest from them later in the season
Tie the leading shoot of 'indeterminate' type tomatoes to a cane or suspended string, and pinch all side shoots
All tomatoes should be watered regularly to prevent drying out and the splitting of fruit
Tomatoes and cucumbers should be fed with a high potassium fertiliser weekly.
Remember that slug pellets containing Metaldehyde have now been banned for use - try to use Garlic wash or other natural methods of control (including encouraging wildlife) to limit damage by slugs and snails.
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What's Looking Good in the Garden
Use the arrows on the pictures to browse
Rose 'Gertrude Jekyll'
Ajuga reptans
Geum 'Totally Tangerine'
Thalictrum 'Black Stockings'
Dryopteris filix-mas
Weigela florida 'Alexandra'
Cistus × pulverulentus 'Sunset'
Primula Inshriach candelabra hybrids
Allium 'Purple Sensation'
Rhododendron luteum, Yellow Azalea
Bearded Iris
Heuchera 'Marmalade'
Geum 'Mrs J. Bradshaw'
Alchemilla mollis
Something missing? - Use the Feedback form to let us know your recommended plants to grow...
This month's Wordsearch and CrossGram
The answers to all the short clues are shorter-word anagrams of the long starter word, and there's even some clues to help you complete it! The answers are at the bottom of the page.
Visiting and Seeing
Places to Go and Things to Do
There are several events at RHS Wisley, including the British Iris Society summer show (3rd June) and the Plant Society show (17th-18th June).
June is the peak season for gardens opening as part of the National Garden Scheme. For more details of all the gardens opening in our area, please see the NGS Website.
Twelve private gardens in Grayswood near Haslemere will be opening for the Grayswood Open Gardens on Sunday 11th June, 10.30 am to 5.30 pm. Tickets cost £5. There are other nearby villages opening throughout June including Send and Frimley Green (11th June), Ewhurst Secret Gardens (17th & 18th) and Shere (25th).
Looking ahead, the Surrey Horticultural Federation 2023 Garden Visit will be to ‘Grattons’ in Dunsfold on Sunday 2nd July 2023 from 2.30-4.30pm. Entry is £5 and teas are available. More details are in the SHF Late Spring Newsletter distributed last month, or available on the SHF website.
The Worplesdon Garden Club Members’ Gardens Open Day will be in the afternoon of Sunday 23rd July. Thank you to the members who have offered to open their gardens. Further details will be circulated to members in July.
The RHS Flower Shows and Festivals form the backbone of the horticultural year. Here is a reminder of their dates for your diary:
RHS Botanical Art and Photography Show – 16th June to 9th July
RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival – 4th to 9th July
RHS Flower Show Tatton Park – 19th to 23rd July
RHS Garden Rosemoor Flower Show – 18th to 20th August
Something missing? - Use the Feedback form to suggest places to visit or local events...
The Old 'Potting Shed' Pages
CrossGram - The Answers for June
(Click to Reveal)