Plant Sale: Flowers

The Great Deals on Wheels Plant Sale - Flowers

Update - This is list of plants that are currently available (numbers will be limited)

Visit the Original Flowers page for the varieties available in the first-round of plant sales


The first fuchsia listed here is hardy/borderline hardy once established

Images from
Dark Eyes
Auntie Jinks
Southern Belle(Colour may vary)
Jollies La Gande Corse
I Love You

Hardy and Half-Hardy Annuals and Perennials

Pictures and links to seed providers Mr. Fothergill's and King's Seeds, or plant providers RHS Plants, Longacres or J.Parker's Bulbs
Celosia cristata (HHA)
Cerinthe major purpurascens (HA)
Dahlia Mignon Mixed

Border Perennials

Pictures and links to seed providers Mr. Fothergill's and King's Seeds, or plant providers RHS Plants, Longacres or J.Parker's Bulbs
Iris sibirica Blue (HP)
Verbena bonariensis (HP)
Knautia macedonica (HP)
Box (Buxus) (HP)
Centaurea Blue Perennial Cornflower (HP)
Helianthus Lemon Queen (HP)
Lysimachia atropurpurea (HP)

Browse the Vegetables we also have available...

  • Tomatoes, Brassicas, Courgettes, Squash

  • Chillis, Salad, Onions, and more...

Visit the Current Vegetables page the see the varieties we currently have or the Original Vegetables page for the varieties available in the first-round of plant sales