The Potting Shed
Happy New Year
The days are getting longer again and we start a new year with new hope. Here's to a wonderful 2022. And what better way to start the year than a read of the new Worplesdon Garden Club January Newsletter.
Jobs to Do in the Garden this Month
January - The Middle of Winter!
January is a good month for the winter pruning of apples and pears (non-stone fruit) and for making sure that any fallen leaves or old stems of herbaceous perennials don’t smother emerging bulbs or winter bedding
In the vegetable garden, continue to harvest winter veg such as brassicas, parsnips, and any remaining carrots, then dig over any vacant plots incorporating well-rotted manure or compost into beds that will be growing potatoes, brassicas, and legumes, but do not manure beds for root vegetable
Ventilate greenhouses on warmer or sunnier days if you are overwintering plants or perhaps give it a pre-Spring clean inside and out and ensure that the glass is clean to allow as much light in as possible
The 2022 seed and plant catalogues have already started dropping through the letterbox so it’s a perfect time to grab a nice cup of something and start to plan your garden for the rest of the year.
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What's Looking Good in the Garden
Use the arrows on the pictures to browse
Primrose 'Husky Mixed'
Lythrum virgatum 'Dropmore Purple'
Galanthus elwesii, Greater Snowdrop
Schlumbergera buckleyi, Christmas Cactus
Nandina domestica 'Obsessed', Heavenly Bamboo
Winter Field
Polyanthus 'Firecracker'
Sarcococca confusa, Sweet box
Solidago, Golden Rod
Poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima
Hyacinthus orientalis 'Delft Blue'
Verbena bonariensis
Camellia japonica
Pieris japonica
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Black Steel Zaza'
Schlumbergera buckleyi, Christmas Cactus
Winter Sunrise
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Tom Thumb'
Anthurium 'Champion', Flamingo flower
Phlomis italica, Balearic Island Sage
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This month's wordsearch with some topical words
Visiting and Seeing
Places to Go and Things to Do
If you bought a real Christmas Tree this year, there are various places you can take it to be composted in the Guildford area, or in the wider Surrey area.
The five-part BBC documentary series ‘The Green Planet’ starts on BBC One on Sunday 9th January at 7pm with ‘Tropical Worlds’.
Advance notice: Thursday 10th March, 2022 The Surrey Horticultural Federation Spring Talk with Chris Beardshaw. Tickets previously sold for the Adam Frost talk in 2020/21 are still valid.
See what's happening at other local clubs via the Surrey Horticultural Federation web site
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