Joyous June
Thank you to everyone who contributed and participated in the Joyous June Zoom meeting.
Sorry that we did not get time to go through all the photographs, but please take some time to look and enjoy them on the Unseen June page.
We also returned to Worplesdon Station recently to top-up the plants there that help brighten the days of travellers through the station. You can see the photographs of our efforts here.
During the meeting we also had an extract of a tour of Exbury Gardens in Hampshire. This was part of the Garden Masterclass series and can be viewed in full on YouTube here.
Bill and Angela
Pauline - A game of 'Spot the Difference'
Carol - Name that Flower
Carol has a strange but beautiful wild flower growing in her garden that needed identifying. After some super-sleuthing by Alison W, this was identified as most likely being Staphisagria picta (also known as Delphinium pictum Willd) - a type of wild Delphinium.
Roger and Jenny
These adorable balls of fluff are Silkies - small, friendly, five-toed chickens with feathers that feel more like fur or silk.
Excellent for keeping slugs, snails and caterpillars at bay, and adding a bit of organic chicken manure to your garden in the process.
Tim & Keith
A photo from one of Eileen's friends of three Peacock butterfiles (Aglais io). Although these are very common in our gardens in the summer with the adults feeding off Buddleja and other flowering plants, it is unusual to see three together like this. The caterpillars of the Peacock butterfly feed off stinging nettles, so it's worth leaving a patch in your garden to encourage these cheerful butterflies in the summer.
Chris V
Chris S
...and the Case of the Missing Plant Label
Chris has been growing this lovely looking partial climber but had lost its label. With thanks to some more super-sleuthing from Alison and Lesley and others, it was identified as Sollya heterophylla (or Billadiera heyerophylla) also known as the Bluebell Creeper.
Ann and Brian
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