2022 Calendar
The 2022 Club Calendar
Another twelve months of joy from the 2022 Worplesdon Garden Club Calendar. Available only as a large A3-portrait sized wall calendar with the wire binding at the top of the page. Photographs from M. Atkinson, T. Bonnert, R. Bower, B. Boyse, S. Dyke, C. Graham, E. Johnson, J. Pickford, B. & A. Sheppard, C. Shoukry, D. Skillen, H. Still, C. Vigurs, K. Wafford, M. Wall, A. White, and L. Woodhams.
Large Wall Calendar - Only £9
A huge thank-you to everyone who contributed the photographs for this year's calendar
The cover photo displays a mosaic of over 600 of the photographs contributed by Club Members over the 17 months of virtual meetings