Beautiful Butterflies
Our Zoom speaker in September will be John Baker educating and entertaining us about Butterflies. Here are a few photographs from our Members of butterflies in their garden, and of other things that were looking good, or just looking fun!
Please keep the photographs coming in...
A Red Admiral, Sheila D
A Peacock, Tim B
A Comma, Tim B
The same Comma from a different angle, Tim B
A Gatekeeper or Meadow Brown (?), Keith W
Small Tortoiseshell, Tim B
The same Small Tortoiseshell still enjoying Aster x frikartii 'Mönch', Tim B
Large White, Tim B
Large White, Tim B
Buff-tailed bumblebee (not a butterfly !), Tim B
... And Glorious Gardens
A Spear Thistle, Jean P
Cotton Thistle, Jean P
An Unexpected Hollyhock, Jean P
A Garden in Bloom, Eileen J
An impressive Bracket Fungi, Eileen J
The Bluebell Creeper (Sollya heterophylla) of Chris S. Seen in Joyous June but now grown up really well and still flowering
Japanese Anemone (Anemone × hybrida), Jean P
Japanese Anemone (Anemone × hybrida), Jean P
A late entry for the Gardening Hiccup? Jennifer C
Pinocchio the Tomato from Chris S
Some Plants Looking Great in Maggie's Garden
See the photographs of how well the tubs, troughs, and beds have developed at Worplesdon Station
Click on the photograph to see more photographs from the Station