The Potting Shed

November 2019

The Worplesdon Garden Club 2020 Calendar is now available!

Twelve months of fantastic photos and available in Wall and Desk formats

Available at the November and December Club meetings and from the Post Office, Fairlands, Guildford. See more on the Calendar 2020 page


Jobs to Do in the Garden this Month

Taken from this month's Newsletter - Still time to get the garden ready for winter...

  • Prune deciduous trees and hedges, removing dead, diseased or damaged wood. Leave evergreen hedging until spring

  • Begin harvesting Brussels Sprouts from the bottom of the plant upwards

  • Finish planting garlic by the end of the month

  • Plant Tulip bulbs now, and finish planing any remaining Daffodils and Narcissi

  • Plant bare-rooted trees, shrubs and hedges such as yew but remember to stake and support to around a third of the way up the trunk

  • Tie in long whippy shoots of climbers and wall shrubs

  • Continue to rake up fallen leaves from the lawn and around the base of plants - keep in a separate heap for leafmould

  • Tidy borders clearing old herbaceous stems and dead foliage and lightly forking over the soil

  • Be prepared to use a greenhouse heater on very cold nights if you are overwintering tender plants

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Regenerative pruning - Never be afraid to “treat ‘em rough”! - Chris S.

This is wonderful display of fresh healthy growth on this Hibiscus syriacus is the result of some drastic pruning of a very large, old, and ugly plant down to just 12" main stems. It's certainly transformed it and injected some new life. For plants like Hibiscus, Buddleja and many other summer-autumn flowering deciduous shrubs, the best time to do this is in Spring. The roots will store all the food reserves over the winter and should quickly sprout new growth on the shortened stems once growth restarts. So if you have a tired old shrub, don't dig it out just yet - wait until Spring, give it a hard prune, and see what a transformation you can achieve.


What's Looking Good in the Garden - Lots of Berries this Year...

  • Callicarpa bodinieri

  • Rose Hips

  • Shaggy Inkcap, Coprinus comatus

  • Holly

  • Mahonia × media 'Winter Sun'

  • Pyracantha

  • Liquidambar styraciflua 'Worplesdon'

Something missing? - Use the Feedback form to let us know your recommended plants to grow...


This Month's Wordsearch


Places to Go and Things to Do

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The Old 'The Potting Shed' Pages

If you have any comments or suggestions about the web site please use the Feedback Page. You can also add gardening advice, plants to grow, and places to visit.