The Potting Shed
August 2021
The heat of Summer
...Possibly! While you're sheltering from the wind and the rain, enjoy the new Worplesdon Garden Club August Newsletter
Jobs to Do in the Garden this Month
August - The heat of summer and a bountiful vegetable garden
Now is the time to do the summer pruning of Wisteria by cutting back the long stems of this year’s growth to about five or six leaves to encourage flower formation
Pruning of stone fruits such as plum, cherry, peach, etc. as well as performing any formative pruning of apples and pears trained as an espalier, cordon or fan
Keep plants well watered if we do get another dry spell and continue deadheading whenever you can
Lift and divide irises ensuring that the rhizome remains on the soil surface when replanted
In the vegetable garden, finish harvesting garlic and lift onions and shallots and dry well before storage
Second early potatoes should now be perfect for harvesting
Regularly pick peas and beans as leaving old pods on the plants will reduce flowering and stop the crop
Finally, if you are becoming overwhelmed by courgettes, don’t forget the delicious Courgette Cake recipe from last August’s newsletter
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What's Looking Good in the Garden
Use the arrows on the pictures to browse
Lythrum virgatum 'Dropmore Purple'
Fuchsia 'Jubilee'
Alchemilla mollis
Achilea 'Red Velvet'
Water Lily
Echinacea ''Magnus'
Ricinus communis 'New Zealand Purple', Castor Oil Plant
Salvia verticillata ''Purple Rain', Whorled Clary
Crocosmia 'Lucifer'
Agastache 'Blackadder'
Salvia 'Ember's Wish'
Ipomoea purpurea 'Grandpa Otts', Morning Glory
Gaura lindheimeri 'Sunset Dreams'
Hemerocallis 'Autumn Red'
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Black Steel Zaza'
Kniphofia 'Mango Popsicle'
Dahlia 'Color Spectacle'
Platycodon grandiflorus, Balloon Flower
Achillea 'Walther Funcke'
Something missing? - Use the Feedback form to let us know your recommended plants to grow...
This month's wordsearch with some topical words
Visiting and Seeing
Places to Go and Things to Do - In Person or On-Line
The RHS Flower Shows continue throughout August and September with RHS Hyde Hall (4th-8th August), RHS Rosemoor (13th-15th August), RHS Wisley (7th-12th September), and RHS Chelsea (21st-26th September). Tickets are still available from the RHS website.
There are many gardens around Guildford that are open in August as part of the National Garden Scheme. Prebooking is essential for some, but most now allow you to turn up and pay on the day.
Advance notice: The Therapy Garden, Normandy will be opening as part of the NGS scheme on the 19th September, 10am-4pm
The Worplesdon Garden Club Open Gardens day is Sunday 1st August - visit some Members' gardens and finish up with a nice cup of tea and some cake!
The Worplesdon Garden Club Coach Trip will take place on Saturday 4th September to Pashley Manor Gardens and King John's Nursery. Details on the Coach Trip page
See what's happening at other local clubs via the Surrey Horticultural Federation web site
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