The Potting Shed
Winter is Here...
...although many of the plants in the garden still haven't realised. December sees the Winter Solstice on the 21st of the month - the point at which the past six months of ever-shortening days turns round and starts lengthening again. It may take a little while to notice it, and there will probably be some cold and bleak days ahead, but Summer will soon be on its way. Take the time to celebrate with a nice warm cup of something and the new Worplesdon Garden Club December Newsletter
Jobs to Do in the Garden this Month
December - The Start of Winter
As mentioned before, start planning for the first frosts of the year and move the most precious or the most tender plants to a sheltered spot, or under cover
There is still time to plant any remaining spring bulbs – some may flower a bit later than usual, but if you have any new bulbs or any that you lifted last year and not replanted, get them in the ground or in a pot now
Finish planting out any spring bedding such as pansies, violas, Bellis, primroses, etc. These will still establish well and give bursts of colour from now until late spring
The winter months are also perfect for planting bare-rooted trees, shrubs, and roses – a very cost-effective way to add plants to the garden
Pruning and maintenance of many deciduous trees and shrubs should be done over the next few months – the main exceptions being evergreens or tender shrubs, and cherries, plums, and other stone fruit.
Most acers do not need pruning and are best left to develop their natural shape but if any reshaping or pruning is required, do this before January to prevent the bleeding of sap
If you have a Poinsettia in the house, make sure you keep it away from draughts and water sparingly
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What's Looking Good in the Garden
Use the arrows on the pictures to browse
The Last Hurrah of Autumn Colour
Mahonia × media 'Winter Sun'
Skimmia japonica 'Nymans' (female)
Miscanthus sinensis 'Flamingo'
Fuchsia triphylla
Polyanthus 'Firecracker'
Coprosma repens 'Pacific Sunset', New Zealand Laurel
Viburnum tinus
Schlumbergera buckleyi, Christmas Cactus
Fatsia japonica, False Castor Oil Plant
Fly Agaric, Amanita muscaria
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This month's wordsearch and the new Cross Pollination puzzle
Cross Pollination - N
The answers to all the short clues are plant names starting with the same letter, either in their common name or their Latin name, but what’s the name of the plant resulting from the cross-pollination of letters from the other plants in the grid? The answers are at the bottom of the page.
Visiting and Seeing
Places to Go and Things to Do
There are several illuminated winter walks in the area. Tickets are available for Windsor Great Park Illuminated (17th November – 2nd January) and for Wisley Glow 2022 (17th November to 8th January).
Advance News – Adam Frost Talk – Wednesday 22nd February 2023, 7.30pm at Normandy Village Hall. Tickets £10. See the SHF Newsletter.
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The Old 'Potting Shed' Pages
Cross Pollination - N: The Answers
(Click to Reveal)
The Cross Pollination plant is the Nerine, an autumn flowering bulbous perennial that does best in hot summer borders.