Welcome to Worplesdon Garden Club

Worplesdon Garden Club is a friendly and enthusiastic club which meets every second Tuesday of the month from 8-10pm at Emmanuel Parish Centre, Stoughton, Guildford, GU2 9SJ.  Doors open from 7.45pm and you can find a map here.

We have a full schedule of speakers  throughout the year, educating and entertaining us on a diverse mix of Horticultural and Natural History topics.  Talks and slide shows are interspersed with refreshments and the evening provides plenty of opportunities to socialise and browse the plants on the plant stall and take part in the raffle for some fantastic garden-related prizes.

The Club also has a range of social events throughout the year including Garden Visits, Lunches, Barbecues, and Horticultural Shows.

Visitors and new members are always guaranteed a warm welcome.  Membership is only £15 for the year from January (£8 from July). Please Contact Us if you would like any more information on our meetings or activities or to come along as a visitor (£3).

 See What's New on the Website...

And the links to the previous updates...

See this month's Potting Shed page for the names of these plants

Club Meetings

Our next Club Meeting on Tuesday 13th August will be our Summer Show and Social.  This is held at a different venue than normal - Fairlands Community Centre.  Doors open from 7.20 pm for the set up of exhibits and the social evening starts at 8pm.  

Our July meeting was a wonderful sidestep away from the world of plants and into the one where we learned more about one of the most iconic birds that inhabit our rivers and wetlands - the Mute Swan.  Cindy Smulders from the charity Swan Lifeline gave us a fascinating perspective into the amazing work the charity does to help sick and injured swans in our area.  More information on the charity can be found on their website.

The early Summer photographs from our Members' gardens for last month can be enjoyed on the June Photographs page, and there are the start of the July Photographs too.  There are also a few photographs from Gill and Mel's Summer Barbecue.

See the 2024 Club Programme, the Potting Shed pages, or the Newsletter for more information on Club meetings and activities.

Please contact us if you would like more information on membership or any of our activities.

See this month's Potting Shed page for Jobs to do in the Garden, What's Looking Good, Places to Visit, and this month's Puzzles

Contact Us for more information, or come along to one of our Meetings

If you have any comments or suggestions about the web site please Contact Us or use the Feedback Page.  You can also add gardening advice, plants to grow, and places to visit.