The Potting Shed
Happy New Year!
A New Year and a new opportunity to make some New Year Resolutions. Perhaps to dead-head a bit more regularly or to plant a few more bee-friendly plants? Whatever you do, let's hope that it will be a great gardening year.
With the hectic month of December over with, it's time to relax into January with the new Worplesdon Garden Club January Newsletter!
Jobs to Do in the Garden this Month
The depth of Winter..
January and early February is a good time for the winter pruning of apples and pears (non-stone fruit) and for making sure that any fallen leaves or old stems of herbaceous perennials don’t smother emerging bulbs or winter bedding
Now is the time for winter pruning of Wisteria where stems are cut back stems to two or three buds
Also prune other climbers such as Virginia creeper, ivy, Campsis, winter-flowering jasmine, and the late-flowering Clematis – ones that flower on the new season’s growth
Bare rooted roses, shrubs, hedging, and some trees can also be planted now through to end of February and are a very cost-effective way to buy new plants
In the vegetable garden, continue to harvest winter veg such as brassicas, parsnips, and any remaining carrots, then dig over any vacant plots incorporating well-rotted manure or compost into beds that will be growing potatoes, brassicas, and legumes, but do not manure beds for root vegetables
If you have the space, the warmth, and the light to grow on the young plants, some seeds can be sown now of plants that need a long growing season, such as chillies, or plants that you want to have as early as possible, such as lettuce and tomatoes.
Ventilate greenhouses on warmer or sunnier days if you are overwintering plants or perhaps give it a pre-Spring clean inside and out and ensure that the glass is clean to allow as much light in as possible
Finally, as you enjoy your garden and the frosts that paint the stems and foliage, spare a thought for the birds, and put some food and water out – they will repay you later in the season by eating lots of unwanted pests
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What's Looking Good in the Garden
Use the arrows on the pictures to browse
Snowdrops, Galanthus nivalis
Cyclamen persicum (Indoor Cyclamen)
Verbena bonariensis
Hyacinthus orientalis 'Delft Blue'
Brussels Sprout, Brassica oleracea
Schlumbergera buckleyi, Christmas Cactus
Nandina domestica 'Obsessed', Heavenly Bamboo
Viburnum, Viburnum tinus
Bronze fennel, Foeniculum vulgare 'Purpureum'
Indoor Azalea, Rhododendron simsii
Snowdrops, Galanthus nivalis
Something missing? - Use the Feedback form to let us know your recommended plants to grow...
This month's Wordsearch and CrossGram
CrossGram - Galanthus
Part Anagram; Part Crossword. The answers to all the short clues are shorter-word anagrams of the long starter word, and there's even some clues to help you complete it! The answers are at the bottom of the page.
Visiting and Seeing
Places to Go and Things to Do
If you bought a real Christmas Tree this year, there are various places you can take it to be composted in the Guildford area.
Advance notice: Sunday 17th March, 2.30pm – The Surrey Horticultural Federation Spring Talk with Nick Hamilton. Normandy Village Hall.
Something missing? - Use the Feedback form to suggest places to visit or local events...
The Old 'Potting Shed' Pages
CrossGram - The Answers for January
(Click to Reveal)