The Potting Shed

January 2024

Happy New Year!

A New Year and a new opportunity to make some New Year Resolutions.  Perhaps to dead-head a bit more regularly or to plant a few more bee-friendly plants?  Whatever you do, let's hope that it will be a great gardening year.

With the hectic month of December over with, it's time to relax into January with the new Worplesdon Garden Club January Newsletter!


Jobs to Do in the Garden this Month

The depth of Winter..

Something missing? - Use the Feedback form to suggest your own Tips and Dos and Don'ts...

Harvest any remaining winter vegetables


What's Looking Good in the Garden

Use the arrows on the pictures to browse 

Something missing? - Use the Feedback form to let us know your recommended plants to grow...


This month's Wordsearch and CrossGram


One of the brightest and best ways of seeing that Spring is just around the corner is the emergence of Snowdrops.  The Galanthus genus has about 20 species, but there are over a thousand cultivars and hybrids of the Common Snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis. 

CrossGram - Galanthus

Part Anagram; Part Crossword.  The answers to all the short clues are shorter-word anagrams of the long starter word, and there's even some clues to help you complete it!  The answers are at the bottom of the page. 

Visiting and Seeing

Places to Go and Things to Do

Something missing? - Use the Feedback form to suggest places to visit or local events...


The Old 'Potting Shed' Pages

If you have any comments or suggestions about the web site please use the Feedback Page.  You can also add gardening advice, plants to grow, and places to visit.

CrossGram - The Answers for January

(Click to Reveal)