2023 Club Calendar

The 2023 Club Calendar

Cover photo by Katie Lewis

Once again we are delighted to be able to celebrate 2023 with the Worplesdon Garden Club Calendar.  Available only as a large A3-portrait sized wall calendar with the wire binding at the top of the page.  Photographs from T. Bonnert, B. Boyse, V. Charles, J. Collins, P. Cridland, S. Dyke, C. Graham, E. Johnson, K Lewis, G. Parker, J Pickford, A. Sheppard, C. Shoukry, K. Wafford, M. Wall, and A. White.

Available for £10 each

Photos by Val Charles and Barbara Boyse
Photos by Maggie Wall, Chris Shoukry, and Eileen Johnson
Photo by Tim Bonnert
Photos by Alison White and Eileen Johnson
Photos by Sheila Dyke, Eileen Johnson, and Alison White
Photos by Tim Bonnert, Pam Cridland, Chris Shoukry, Jennifer Collins, and Maggie Wall
Photo by Charles Graham
Photo by Gary Parker
Photos by Tim Bonnert, Keith Wafford, and Val Charles
Photo by Ann Sheppard
Photos by Barbara Boyse, Jean Pickford, and Maggie Wall
Photo by Val Charles

A huge thank-you to everyone who contributed the photographs for this year's calendar and who brightens every month with their photos for the monthly events pages